Don't be fooled by the name or its dark color, Lush Black Pot is actually a sustainable green packaging. It is recognized as the first FDA-approved PP post-consumer recycled resin and is presented as a cosmetic rigid packaging application at the 2017 Plastics Recycling Exhibition organized by the American Plastics Recycling Association.
Before being selected for the 2017 Plastics Recycling Show as an exhibit, KW Plastics (USA) and Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics (Canada) presented their respective technical challenges.
Lush Black Pot Cream Can
Lush Black Pot is a 100% post-consumer PP package consisting of an injection molded container and lid. This cream and lotion package is made from KWR621FDA and KWR621FDA-20 resins and is FDA certified and 100% recyclable.
“KW Plastics can provide consistent, non-polluting raw materials for our molding partner Plascon Plastics (Traverse City, Michigan), which is very important, and we are very confident in our packaging,†"We are committed to providing sustainable and innovative packaging that is as good as ours," said Gary Calicdan, Lush Cosmetics senior buyer of packaging and printing. "We don't want to sacrifice quality, such as improper lids, poor performance, etc."
Pedro Morales, sales and marketing director at KW Plastics, said that the biggest technical challenge is not just to meet performance specifications, but more importantly, to strictly control the source of raw materials and to meet regulatory requirements for cosmetic packaging.
"We know that our resins must not only be environmentally friendly, but also have price advantages, but must also guarantee performance," said Morales. "Aesthetics, size, stability, stacking resistance and impact strength are very important."
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