Over the sea
Many brands are advertised with 100% imported or imported brands. The actual merchants only import a small part, most of them are produced by domestic materials and technology.
Imported products and domestic products, the same packaging, the same size, even the same color, the merchants sell at the import price, can you tell the truth? In order to prove the "authenticity" of the import, the merchant can also issue import declarations and certificate of origin. Book, and promised to pay ten, you can't help but believe it. If you buy such fakes, if you want to identify imports or domestically, and get back to justice, you must become a company employee to find the inside, otherwise your chances of winning are almost zero.
Flowering on the tree
The base material of the reinforced composite wood floor is pulverized by logs, and after being cooked at a high temperature to eliminate various molds, it is formed by adding formaldehyde glue. The standard product color is the color of the wood itself (white, yellow, brown). Since the laminate flooring will release formaldehyde into the air, which is harmful to air quality, many consumers are looking for a healthy and green product. Some merchants find that the difference between green and green colors of many consumers is not very clear. Therefore, green pigment is added to the substrate, the substrate is dyed green, and publicized. The green substrate is added with green environmental protection factor in the production process or promotes green products in waterproofing, reducing formaldehyde emission, and more than the natural substrate. .
In fact, green and non-green have nothing to do with water, formaldehyde, and environmental protection. For a time, every household is engaged in green, and it seems that the environmental protection work of laminate flooring has made great progress. Those who choose green substrates are selected. Consumers are not 100% victims.
Fish in the water
The quality of the composite wood flooring is improved. The key is in the selection and matching of raw materials, as well as the processing precision of the products. There is no difference in the size between the imported plate and the domestic plate. The imported plate and the domestic plate are produced according to the same technical requirements as above. The difference is that the product has nothing to do with the length and width of each board. Some manufacturers see a certain size of the floor, for example: 1290*195*8 or 1380*194*8 and other long-sized boards. There are few domestic manufacturers of this size. As for the rumors spread, "the imported plate is long-sized, and the domestic plate is short-sized." Long-board prices have risen, sales are optimistic, and manufacturers are not arguing about the length and shortness of the board. Instead, they are reducing production short-boards and mass-producing long-boards. For a time, the “import†board surged, and consumers spent less than imported boards. The price can be bought into the "import plate" is also happy, the biggest beneficiary is to propose long-board for the import board, messing up the market, to win the wood flooring sellers to win.
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