In outdoor activities, the clothes we wear should be able to protect ourselves from the effects of weather changes. Therefore, we should pay attention to the functionality of clothes when choosing, rather than paying too much attention to the style and color of various clothes; First think about your personal needs, the scope of use, and the user's degree of cold, choose the right clothing at the most economical price.
In order to cope with the changing weather in nature and discharge a large amount of sweat caused by outdoor activities, foreign outdoor activists developed a concept of outdoor clothing with a three-layered clothing, using this set of theories to cope with various weather changes and various The actual needs of outdoor activities. In fact, the concept of dress on three layers of clothing is not only suitable for outdoor activities, but even for everyday life.

The first layer of perspiration: the base layer (BASELAYER)

The main purpose of underwear is to maintain the skin's surface dry, not stuffy, so the main focus is the perspiration of clothes. Underwear should be able to quickly discharge moisture and sweat to the surface of the inner clothing, so that sweat does not evaporate directly on the skin surface, causing the skin surface temperature to decrease due to evaporation of water vapor to absorb heat.
In addition to good ventilation, it won't be stuffy, and you can choose different collar design according to the user's needs. At present, the design is divided into three types: zip, V-neck and round neck.
The second layer of warmth: middle layer (MIDDLELAYER)

The middle layer clothing should be able to form an air layer that gathers in the clothes to achieve the effect of insulating the outside air from cold and maintaining the body temperature. The thicker the accumulated air layer, the better the effect of warmth, so wearing a few pieces of light and loose clothing will be warmer than a single piece of heavy clothing, because the former wear accumulation of air insulation layer is thicker.
In terms of material, it can be divided into natural materials and artificial materials.
The natural material is most familiar to down. Because the feathers have many micro-holes, they can swell to capture a lot of air, so they can have excellent warming effect, but its biggest drawback is that it can't touch water. Once the feathers are wet, it doesn't have any warmth, and it wears a bit Like penguins, it may not be suitable for users who are more concerned with appearance. Based on these characteristics, down jackets are not suitable for warming up during outdoor exercise (especially for weight-bearing movements), but are suitable for wearing when walking or after camping.
The most popular man-made material is currently fleece products, among which the “POLARTEC†fleece products registered by U.S. patents have the best performance, warmth retention, soft touch, and slight dampness, and still have a thermal insulation effect. Dry, very suitable for the middle of the insulation when doing outdoor sports. "POLARTEC" has different levels of thickness depending on the degree of warmth, from the thickest 300 series, multi-purpose 200 series to the soft and lightweight 100 series, users can choose suitable clothes according to their own needs. However, its biggest drawback is that it is not a drawback of artificial bristles, and it must be used in conjunction with clothes with wind resistance to achieve excellent warmth.
The third layer blocks the protective layer: the outer layer (OUTERLAYER)

The most important aspect of outer clothing is waterproof, windproof, warm and breathable. In addition to minimizing the effects of bad weather on the body, it is also necessary to be able to exhale the body’s water vapor and avoid water vapor ( The sweat is concentrated in the middle layer, so that the heat insulation effect is reduced and it cannot withstand the low temperature or cold wind of the external environment.
At present, the best outer garments are those that have both waterproof and breathable clothing. Generally, the waterproof and breathable clothes on the market are tested in a “dry and static†environment. The results are almost the same, but few people will notice In the “damp dynamic†environment, that is, in the actual outdoor environment, the waterproof and breathable materials of various waterproof and air-permeable materials have great differences.
Therefore, in the purchase of clothes with a waterproof and breathable function, you should consider the actual use of the user needs, choose the right clothes for you!
In outdoor activities, the clothes we wear should be able to protect ourselves from the effects of weather changes. Therefore, we should pay attention to the functionality of clothes when choosing, rather than paying too much attention to the style and color of various clothes; Think about your personal needs, scope of use, and user's cold tolerance, and choose suitable outdoor clothing at the most economical price.
In order to cope with the changing weather in nature and discharge a large amount of sweat caused by outdoor activities, foreign outdoor activists developed a concept of outdoor clothing with a three-layered clothing, using this set of theories to cope with various weather changes and various The actual needs of outdoor activities. In fact, the concept of dress on three layers of clothing is not only suitable for outdoor activities, but even for everyday life.
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