One of the world's most famous volcanoes, Etna, on the southern tip of Italy [Photos]

Mountain Name: Mount Etna (Etna)

Peak height: 3,520 meters above sea level

Location: Located in Sicily in southern Italy

Whether it is not ascended: No

Peak introduction:

Mountain location: Mount Etna is the largest, highest and most active volcano in Europe and one of the most famous volcanoes in the world. It is located in the northeastern corner of Italy, the largest island in the Mediterranean, on the northeastern corner of Sicily, and is 29 kilometers south of Catania, the capital of the island. It is a dark, independent cone. The volcano is 3,520 meters above sea level and 129 kilometers in circumference. The main crater is 3,323 meters above sea level and 500 meters in diameter. There are more than 200 smaller volcanic cones around.

History of volcanic eruptions: According to historical records, Mount Etna has more than 500 outbreaks and is known as the most erupting volcano in the world. Its first known explosion was in 475 BC, and it has a history of more than 2,400 years. The most violent outbreak was in 1669 AD, which lasted for 4 months. The lava eruption amounted to 780 million cubic meters. Rolling lava rushed into the nearby city of Catania, making the entire city a sea of ​​flames. 20,000 people died as a result. Since the 18th century, volcanic eruptions have become more frequent and have erupted more than 10 times in this century. Between 1950 and 1951, the volcano was sprayed continuously for 372 days, and it emitted 1 million cubic meters of lava. It destroyed several nearby towns. Since 1979, the eruption of Mount Etna has continued for 3 years. The eruption on March 17, 1981 was the fiercest in recent decades. The lava spouting from the northeastern crater at 2,500 meters above sea level was mixed with rocks. Blocks, gravel, volcanic ash, etc., pour at about 1 kilometer per hour, buried dozens of hectares of trees and numerous vineyards, and hundreds of houses were destroyed. According to statistics, since the eruption of Mount Etna, the cumulative death toll has reached 1 million.

Although Mount Etna caused a huge threat to the local life and property, residents are still reluctant to leave their homeland and go far away. The reason is that the fertile soil that volcanic ash erupted from the ash deposit has provided extremely favorable conditions for agricultural production. In areas below 900 meters above sea level, many have been cultivated, and vineyards, olive groves, citrus plantations, and orchards that cultivate cherries, apples, and hazel are widely spread. The wines produced from locally produced grapes are even more famous, making the area a densely populated and economically prosperous area. At the altitude of 900 to 1980 meters above sea level, Mount Etna is a forest belt with chestnut, beech, eucalyptus, pine, and birch trees, which also provides a large amount of wood for the area. In areas more than 1,980 meters above sea level, there are volcanic deposits and only sparse shrubs. The top of the mountain is often covered with snow. Since the volcano Etna is an active volcano, it is during the rest of the eruption, the interior is still boiling, and the crater is always exposed to smoke, so the Italian government has classified it as a “highly dangerous area” and banned tourists. Mountaineering tour. But every time a volcanic eruption occurs, it is difficult for tourists from Italy, European countries and even the rest of the world to count. The wonders of the active volcano, coupled with snow-capped peaks, forest belts on hillside, orchards, vineyards, and orange forests of the mountains, have added vitality to the local tourism industry, and the workforce has reached 300,000. For the convenience of excursions, the Panshan Highway and the cable car were built on the volcano in the 1960s, and the 4,200-meter-long cable car was not far from the main crater. In addition, there are monuments in the mountains commemorating the climb of Mount Etna by the Roman emperor Hadrian.

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