Development and Application of Biaxially-oriented Polypropylene Synthetic Paper

Abstract: BO PP synthetic paper is a field worthy of attention in the development of BOPP products. This article describes the classification, performance, production methods, uses of synthetic paper and the development of domestic BOPP. Keywords: Biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) synthetic paper Polypropylene Stretching grade Polypropylene's own material structure gives BOPP films many excellent properties. For example, it has higher mechanical strength, better transparency and gloss than cast film (CPP); through material modification, it can improve the airtightness of BOPP, etc. Therefore, BOPP film has good research and development space. Apply stretchability. In fact, it has gradually replaced traditional film packaging materials whose performance cannot meet market requirements and has been continuously expanding in new areas. Although China's BOPP industry started relatively late, it has developed rapidly. With the widening of application fields, there are more and more types of BOPP products: printing films, heat sealing films, tape films, matting films, pearl films, laser films, and cigarette packaging films. At present, a new application of BOPP film products is BOPP synthetic paper. Nowadays, environmental protection has become increasingly strong, BOPP synthetic paper is attracting attention from the packaging industry.

Synthetic paper, formerly known as chemical film paper, polymer paper, etc., is based on polymer compounds as the main raw material, using a certain processing method and production process, and its finished product is similar in appearance to ordinary fiber paper. A new type of plastic paper that is superior to lignocellulosic paper in performance. In the 70's, the Japanese first studied and developed synthetic paper. Because it combines the properties of traditional papers with the characteristics of plastics, it can also solve various problems such as deforestation, water use, and "three wastes" pollution. It is therefore known as "green paper." After the products were put into the market, they were strongly promoted and supported by the government. Practice has proved that synthetic paper has advantages over plain paper (plant fiber) in terms of mechanical strength, water resistance, and printability. Therefore, synthetic paper will be a trend as a substitute for some plain paper.

1, the classification of synthetic paper

1 From the perspective of the development of synthetic paper, synthetic papers are mainly divided into two major categories: one is called fiber type synthetic paper, and the other type is called film type synthetic paper. Fiber type synthetic paper is made by combining synthetic pulp with ordinary pulp, and then it is completed on a long wire and a circular wire paper machine. It is made of two or more different melt-blend resins. Most of these products are used for general purposes such as wallpapers, tea bags, filter papers, etc. Thin-film synthetic paper is formed by biaxially stretching the surface of the film and forming voids on the biaxially-oriented film to obtain a product with a porous surface, extremely small pores, and good ink receptivity, while producing ordinary processing. The surface of paper is smooth and opaque. A biaxial stretching method is used to produce a type of synthetic paper, that is, a polymer film. The main raw materials thereof are polyolefin, synthetic paper agent, color masterbatch, and the like. Synthetic paper has been accepted by the high-end printing paper market since it was put into the market, because it can adapt to various printing presses (lithographic, gravure, rotary, etc.) in the printing industry, and recently developed synthetic papers, in addition to good In addition to the printing performance of the machine, it can also be written directly on the synthetic paper with a pencil or pen, and it won't break when pulled for many times.

2 According to its processing methods, polypropylene film grade synthetic paper has the following types: a. Co-extruded biaxially-stretched synthetic paper (single-sided, double-sided). The processing method is to add main materials and additives to the main and auxiliary extruders. After melt-kneading and stretching and forming, if 80um or more synthetic paper must be compounded in two layers to make b, calendered synthetic paper, the processing method is: the main material and additives plus the main extruder are melted, mixed and cast. Then through the online laminating machine in the longitudinal pull with the main layer and then into the cross-pulling. C, bubble tube method biaxially stretched synthetic paper, its production method and production process and bubble tube method biaxially stretched film similar.

3 According to processing methods can be divided into: a, coating type synthetic paper; b, non-coated synthetic paper. Among them, the coating type synthetic paper is mainly used for ink-jet and ink-jet coating, and the surface must be coated with an ink-receiving layer and a solid ink layer.

4 According to its use can be divided into: a, Xinxue copper synthetic paper; b, card synthetic paper; C, PP pearl paper.

2, the characteristics of synthetic paper

Synthetic paper has the following advantages: 1 high strength. Including tensile strength, tear strength and impact strength. 2 Through the appropriate surface treatment of the synthetic paper surface, the synthetic paper has even more excellent printing effects than ordinary paper. 3 outstanding water, oil, and chemical resistance. 4 The size is stable and not easy to age. However, due to its different material composition than traditional paper, synthetic paper also has its inherent defects: 1 poor heat resistance. 2 is not resistant to folding, folding will produce a hard to disappear line of creases.

3. International production of synthetic paper

At present, only a few princes in Japan, DuPont in the United States, and South Asia in Taiwan can produce high-quality synthetic paper, and many manufacturers have applied for patented technology. The following are some representative patented technologies and production features:

1 Japan Uniaxial Tension Patent Law (46-40764, 56-141339 and 56-118437). The method uses a core layer of biaxially oriented polypropylene as a substrate and a synthetic paper layer as a surface layer, and is produced by an in-line laminating machine and uniaxially-stretched polypropylene (UOPP) calendering. The synthetic paper agent used for the surface layer is inorganic powder, so there are many small holes on the paper and there are many shapes on the surface. In order to strengthen the gravure effect, the surface layer of the synthetic paper must be coated with an aqueous solution and then dried.

2 In the United States and Taiwan, the three-tiered stretching method (U.S. Patent No. 5552011) adopts the biaxial stretching technology of polypropylene, and the synthetic paper product has a three-layer structure. The synthetic paper produced by this method has better mechanical strength than the one produced by the previous method, and the thickness and uniformity of the synthetic paper are good, which is currently the most widely used production method in the world.

4, the development of domestic synthetic paper

China's packaging and printing industry has a relatively large market demand for synthetic paper. It was mainly imported from abroad in the early stage. Due to the excessive competition of conventional products, only a few domestic BOPP companies started to research and develop BOPP synthetic paper. In recent years, only Fosu Plastic Group has been established. Only a handful of manufacturers from Jiangsu Zhongda and Guangdong Huaye have developed and produced synthetic paper, which has been put on the market in limited quantities. In terms of time cycle, Hubei Fusite Group is at the forefront of this new product development. It has developed and developed BOPP synthetic paper with plastic material anti-paper and functional organic paper instead of natural paper. Its product performance is similar to international products. similar.

5, the use of synthetic paper

Synthetic papers have a wide range of uses: 1 In printing and publishing, synthetic paper can print water-resistant newspapers, books, maps, business cards, calendars, and posters. 2In terms of commercial packaging, such as high-end gift bags, high-end clothing bags, exquisite shopping bags, light packaging containers (boxes), etc., can be used especially for product labels, such as ring can labels, self-adhesive labels, etc. Automatic stickers. 3 In terms of building decoration, synthetic paper can be used to make base paper, wallpaper, etc. of colored overlay paper, and can also be used on furniture surfaces. 4 Other aspects, such as the emergence of tickets for synthetic paper, delivery tickets, poker, kites, etc. in some countries, and the identity cards for all participants of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games were synthetic paper.

6. Concluding remarks

BO PP Synthetic Paper has good mechanical strength and printability. It has a wide range of applications and conforms to the trend of environmental protection, so it may become a substitute for traditional paper. In the situation where domestic BOPP competition is fierce and environmental protection is booming, there is still much room for the development and promotion of this product.

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