The world today has entered the age of information. Electromagnetic waves of various frequencies and wavelengths fill the entire space of the earth. These electromagnetic waves will cause undisturbed sensitive electronic components, circuit boards, communications equipment, etc., to cause different degrees of interference, resulting in data distortion. Communication disorders. Electrostatic induction and friction generated static electricity on various sensitive components, instrumentation, certain chemical products, etc., as a result of electrostatic discharge of the packaging film to produce high-voltage discharge, the consequences will be destructive, so the development of anti-static PET packaging film is also very important. The antistatic film is characterized by adding an antistatic agent to the PET film to form a very thin conductive layer on the surface of the film and form a continuous phase, thereby improving the surface conductivity and causing the generated charge to leak as soon as possible. It is generally required that the surface resistivity of the antistatic film is ≤109~11 ohms.
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