Color principle of ink

Ink is based on the three primary colors of pigments, yellow, magenta, and cyan. They are non-luminous, and their characteristics are that they absorb (or subtract) one-third of the white light and reflect the balance of two colors of light. It absorbs (or subtracts) the blue-violet light in white light and reflects both red and green light, and the two colors combine to give yellow light, magenta absorbs green light in white light, and cyan absorbs red light in white light. Light. Therefore, the three primary colors of ink are called Substractive Primaries or Substractive Primary Colours.

The nature of ink color depends on: Hue, Saturation, and Luminosity. The hue is because the color light reflected by the ink has a certain wavelength in the visible light spectrum, and this wavelength is the hue of the ink color or the appearance of an ink color. Saturation refers to the purity of color. When the purity is the highest, it is based on the theory of the ink subtractive method that absorbs (or subtracts) the three-point light and the reflected three-point light. Brightness refers to the amount of light reflected from the surface of the ink, which directly produces different levels of light and shade, while the hue of ink color is constant.

Source: Graphic Arts

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