One-time outdoor cosmetic bottle packaging market has a wide prospect

For cosmetic bottle packaging, will the style of the future continue to take on a gorgeous luxury style or let more and more features become available? In my opinion, it is not. With the rise of outdoor tourism and sports, cosmetic bottles may be another route, a simple and convenient route.

Outdoor sports and tourism are not the use of cosmetics in the home. Outdoor use must first be portable. In the past, cosmetics bottles with luxurious packaging, such as acrylics and glass cosmetic bottles, were often heavy in material, easily broken and inconvenient to carry, especially outdoor tourism. Moreover, the current cosmetics bottle packaging capacity is mainly above 100ML. The general outdoor sports and travel time is basically one week, but one week is the amount of such large-capacity cosmetics.

Therefore, cosmetics bottles suitable for outdoor travel should be portable, durable and suitable for short-term disposable cosmetics bottles.

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Standing Table

Why are more and more people now using standing table? After survey, 90% of office desk staff believe that in a well-designed work environment, their work performance and efficiency will be better. As a company boss, this is a phenomenon that I very much hope to see, such as positive work performance of employees, high work efficiency and so on. The ergonomic design of the electric standing table has a positive impact on the health and overall productivity of office workers. We can design a total solution for your office, and create a positive, healthy and smart office environment through different ergonomic office furniture.

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