Serial No. Name Unit Price Packing Remarks
1 Off ink fountain film base 750.00/box 100/box 102V
2 self-adhesive tape 176.00/box
3 four open ink bucket base 550.00/box 100/box MOV
4 sticky tape 112.00/box
5 ink fountain film base 650.00/box 100/box 72V
6 self-adhesive tape 126.00/box
7 Split Scraper Blades 114.00 Pieces
8 four open squeegee blade 86.50/piece
9 sealing strip 800.00/disc
10 sponge strip 30.00/a
11 Water roller bearing 25.00/pc
12 oil filter 118.00/pc
13 air filter 105.00/pc
14 delivery slowdown 3.00/
15 nozzle piece 1.50/
16 open teeth 800.00/piece
17 La Regulation Article 450.00/piece
18 paper belt 1760.00/disc
19 glue 180.00/bottle
20 Ink Shaft 132.00/pc
21 delivery nozzle 355.00/pc
22 tooth row 7680.00/ row
23 Chain 2680.00/set
24 water roller swing 4800.00/set
25 tooth pads 185.00/set
26 delivery nozzle 305.00/unit
27 Scraper blade 135.00/piece Roland
28 dental tooth pads 140.00/set Komori use
29 tooth dental pad 138.00/set Mitsubishi
China Printing Materials Corporation Printing Equipment Branch
Address: No. 16 Malian Road, Xuanwu District, Beijing
Zip: 100055
Contact: Li Wenhao
Tel: (010)63442886 13701291740
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