Research on High Spin State of Double Odd Nucleus 174Re Realized by Near Object

For many years, the Nuclear Structure Group of the Center for Experimental Physics, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences has devoted itself to the study of high-spin states of atomic nuclei. One of the important contents is to explore the structure information of double odd-core high-spin states in the deformation of rare earth regions with particularly complex structures. This research work on the high-spin state of 174Re continues the discussion on the physical content of spin inversion, on the one hand, and on the other hand, based on the experimental data, a new exploration is made on the physical problems such as the shape difference between the rotating belts.

The experiment was carried out at the Japan Institute of Atomic Force (JAEA), using a 27Al beam with an energy of 140 MeV, through the 152Sm (27Al, 5n) heavy ion fusion evaporation reaction, the high spin state of the double odd nucleus 174Re was arranged. Using a Gemini detection array consisting of thirteen high-purity germanium detectors with anti-Compton platforms, approximately 200 million double coincidence events were recorded. Through meticulous data processing work, the energy level schema of 174Re (figure 1) containing five rotation bands was established, two of which were established for the first time by this work, and the other three have also been greatly expanded. In Zone One and Zone Two, the spin inversion of the low-spin region has been observed, and its characteristics are consistent with the systematic trends discovered by researchers in this nuclear zone. The slightly inverted inversion of the cleavage degree found in Band 5 is a new physical content found in this nucleus, and the researchers tried to interpret its mechanism as f7 / 2 and hg / 2 in the quasi-neutron orbit Mix of ingredients.

In addition, based on the in-depth analysis of the transition intensity, the ratio of deformation parameters between different bands was extracted experimentally (Figure 2), and the quasi-proton 1 / 2- [541] and quasi-neutron 1 / 2- [521] pairs of nuclei were discussed. The shape-driven effect of the core. Compared with the situation of adjacent odd and odd nuclei, it is qualitatively inferred that another different type of nucleon has no obvious effect on the degree of shape driving. Finally, this experiment also corrected the ground state assignment of 174Re, and discussed a newly established 4-quasi-particle rotation band (band 3).

Figure 1. High-spin state energy level diagram of dual odd-core 174Re

Figure 2. Ratio of deformation parameters between rotating bands

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