Recycled paper into mainstream development trend

In the global recycling materials market, recycled paper packaging accounts for the largest proportion, which is about 65% of all recycled packaging. With the rapid development of manufacturing in China and other countries, the market's demand for paper packaging will further increase. It is predicted that the recycled paper packaging market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5% in the next few years and will reach a scale of 1.39 billion US dollars in 2018.

Since 1990, the amount of recycled paper and board in the United States and Canada has increased by 81%, and they have reached 70% and 80% respectively. European countries have an average paper recovery rate of 75%, and Belgium can even reach 90%. Western countries such as the United Kingdom, the paper recovery rate was 80%. Countries such as Eastern Europe are relatively backward, mainly due to the lack of adequate recycling facilities.

Recycled paper accounts for 37% of the total pulp supply in the United States, and pulp demand in developing countries is rising year after year. Among them, China, India and other Asian countries have the fastest per capita paper consumption growth rate. The development of China's transportation packaging industry and the increasing scale of consumption have directly led to the increase in market demand for paper packaging. Since 2008, China's demand for paper packaging has been growing at an average annual rate of 6.5%, which is much faster than other countries in the world. As the demand for paper packaging increases in the market, the market demand for recycled paper is also rising.

Boxboard packaging is the largest in recycled paper packaging. About 30% of the recycled paper and board in the United States are used to produce the liner boards commonly used in corrugated packaging. A large portion of recycled paper packaging in the United States is exported to China, while the rest are made into folded cartons and other products. Taking 2011 as an example, the amount of recycled paper exported to the United States and other countries by the United States reached 42% of the total paper recycling volume in that year.

It is predicted that by 2018, the global annual supply gap of recycled paper will reach 1.5 million tons. Therefore, paper companies will invest more paper packaging companies in developing countries to meet the growing market demand in the region.

In the future, paper packaging will become an ideal substitute for polystyrene packaging. Many packaging giants now turn their attention to paper packaging. Starbucks, for example, only uses paper cups and actively promotes paper recycling projects including closed-loop systems in certain regions. With the development of recycling technology for coated paper and corrugated packaging, the size of the recycled paper market will once again expand. This will inevitably lead to a significant reduction in the cost of paper recycling and an increase in the market demand for recycled paper.

The food market is the fastest growing area for recycled paper. Although its share in the entire recycled paper market is still very small (less than 1%), the growth rate is alarming. With the recovery of the economy, the development of the food market and the growing awareness of environmental protection among consumers, the market’s demand for recycled paper will continue to grow at a faster rate. Under the pressure of government departments and environmental protection organizations, companies will also invest more enthusiasm in paper packaging.

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