There are more that one luggage wrapper in airport, especially in Asian and African countries. Here I will share you 5 reasons to wrap your luggage. Reason 1: Protects Against Theft We will always recommend that anything of value should be brought in your carry-on, but if you have to check something of value, wrapping your luggage may prevent sticky fingers. Wrapping up your luggage isn`t a guarantee that your stuff will be left alone, but it is a deterrent. Reason 2: Tattle-Tales on Tampering If someone does go through your bag, you`ll know it. You might not be able to do anything about it, but at least you`ll know your bag got someone`s curiosity peaked. Reason 3: Keeps Your Bag Together On one trip, you may discover your bag`s main zipper would no longer stay put. The bag wasn`t busting at the seams, but the zipper would continually open just enough for u to worry. Wrapping your luggage in plastic could solve both of these problems, keep everything in its rightful place, and give you some piece of mind. Reason 5: Protects Against Damage A thin layer of plastic surrounding that nice, new bag of yours can help keep it looking great. This time, you can understand the existence of the luggage wrapping mahcine.