Experts interviewed that there is no crisis in the world's timber resources

“Every time two trees are cut in the world, one is to meet the growth of demand for forest products in China; one out of every two logs exported from tropical countries is shipped to China.” In an interview with reporters, China Zhu Guangqian, president of the Timber Distribution Association, criticized the above assertions with the words "exaggerated".

At present, people have a general crisis awareness of resource products, and the same is true for timber resources. As a producer and consumer of forest products, China's industrial materials, pulp and paper products market ranks second in the world, second only to the United States. Recently, foreign organizations have linked the growth of China's timber imports to illegal logging abroad, and even concluded that the increase in China's forest product consumption is “a devastating impact on virgin forests around the world” and “given global forest resources”. Bring more pressure to conclusions.

In recent years, environmental awareness in various countries has generally increased, and many countries have restricted the export of logs. In Southeast Asia, Africa, South America and other countries, due to the consideration of the protection of their forest resources and the promotion of the development of their own wood processing industry, the policy of restricting the export of logs has been introduced, which has reduced the supply of international logs and affected the price of timber. Russia, the world's largest exporter of logs, has increased its export tariffs on unprocessed logs by 6.5% to 1 Euro/m3 on January 1 this year; by July 1, 2007, tariffs will increase by 10% to 6 Euros. /cubic meter. Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated on different occasions that he must fundamentally change the status quo of Russia's large-scale export of logs and vigorously develop timber domestic processing industry.

“The global timber resources are promising, the growth is greater than the harvest volume, and the wood stocks are increasing year by year.” “The responsibility for the destruction of tropical rain forests cannot fall on China.” In the interview, Zhu Guangqian told reporters with a large amount of data and arguments. Renewable resources, forest resources and non-renewable oil, coal, minerals, etc., there is no crisis in global timber resources; in addition, some foreign public opinion accuses China of importing timber and causing damage to global forest resources is also unfounded.

So, where do people’s awareness of the crisis of timber resources come from? There seem to be three misunderstandings here.

Decrease in forest resources and increase in wood stocks

In the context of the global perception of resource crises, people may think that forest resources are greatly reduced due to human production and consumption. However, the data show that the world's timber resource stocks are growing year by year, and the growth is greater than the harvest. According to the statistics of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the world's forest stocks were 377 billion cubic meters in 1990 and 386 billion cubic meters in 2000, with an average annual increase of 900 million cubic meters.

So, is the saying that the tropical rain forest is destroyed? Is it a hole in the wind? Zhu Guangqian pointed out that the world's forest resources are unbalanced: the forest resources of industrialized countries (mainly cold and temperate forest areas) are on the rise. The forest accumulation has increased by 21 billion cubic meters in 10 years, but the developing countries (tropical rain forests) have declined. The trend is to reduce 12 billion cubic meters in 10 years. In other words, the protection of tropical rain forests is indeed not optimistic compared to the cold and temperate forests. However, with the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the tropical rain forest governments began to pay attention to forest protection, strengthen forest management, and increase plantation. The annual average net area of ​​tropical forests decreased by 9.4 million hectares from 1990 to 2000, and the rate of decline was slower than that of 1980-1990. (annual reduction of 13 million hectares).

In short, the forests that are renewable resources are not exhausted, and the volume of wood stocks has increased in recent years.

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