DuPont Receives Global Patent for Kapton Low Haze Black Film and Cover Film

DuPont Electronics and Communications Division (DuPont) announced recently that it has expanded its global patent assets with DuPont Kapton Black Polyimide Film and DuPont Pyralux Black Flexible Circuit Board Materials, both in mobile devices, computers, and The relevant applications of the car are very welcome.
“Kapton Black Polyimide Films and Pyralux Black Flexible Circuit Board Materials Lead High-Reliability Energy to New Technology and Thin-Film Applications.” Avi Avula, Global President, DuPont Electronic Materials Division, said: “It was April 27th. On the World Intellectual Property Day, patents are an important tool for protecting innovations, and we are very proud to continue to increase our global patent portfolio in this area."
These patented assets contain three main products:
‧ DuPont Kapton B and DuPont Kapton MBC black polyimide film - even texture and opaque film, can be used for the base plate and the cover is a flexible film.
DuPont Pyralux HXC ‧ DuPont Pyralux HXI, and the flexible printed circuit board material - the cover film previously coated with a layer of epoxy adhesive, the circuit board may be attached at any bonding surface.
‧ Pyralux LF-B is a low haze black polyiminium cover film made of acrylic.
These low-haze black insulating materials provide a consistent and aesthetic appearance for flexible printed circuit board materials while maintaining excellent performance in key physical properties such as dielectric strength, tensile strength, and dimensional stability. In addition to the aesthetic appeal of black films, low haze black films offer functional advantages in important applications such as color control or light absorption. And all kinds of products are available in a variety of thickness, including ultra-thin to 6 microns.
Based on the US patent "Matte Finish Polyimide Films and Methods Relating Thereto", this exclusive right now covers Europe, China, Japan and Taiwan. Another exclusive right of "Pigmented Polyimide Films and Methods Relating Thereto" covers China, Japan and Taiwan. In addition, three patents have recently been granted in the United States for the "Multilayer Film"-related extremely low haze black polyimide film.
Kapton Polyimide film manufacturing license is limited to DuPont and Dupont Toray.
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Modern Bookcase

In modern homes, bookcases and shelves have to take care of both roles: the practical side of offering storage, and the fashionable part of looking gorgeous. Each room has different areas where a modern bookcase fits perfectly. Some modern bookcases are totally vertical, others are short and wide, and some combine the best of both worlds. So what goes where? That`s totally up to your imagination. Vertical bookcases are usually used as complementary pieces, which means they look especially beautiful in the corners of a room. They also handle small spaces – like the area next to a window– masterfully. Bookcases take advantage of leftover wall space to bring the room together and make it feel complete. You can use a single bookcase, a matching pair spaced apart or several different kinds placed around the room.

Wide bookcases, cabinets and console tables are very powerful pieces. They`re just as comfortable blending into the background as they are drawing attention to an accent wall. That makes them ideal for placing underneath a large painting or a prominent decorative object. Besides their top surface, horizontal bookcases also offer tons of shelf space for – you guessed it – books, artwork, photographs and anything else that defines you.

What you want to display is up to you, but the general idea is to let people know more about who you are and what you like. A room with a clear signature of your personality wows guests and makes you feel happy too. And it`s a great confidence booster. Your favorite novels, pictures of friends and family, awards – basically whatever made you who your are – all look great on a bookcase in your living room, bedroom or home office.

In the living room, shelves can be accent pieces or additional fixtures. Accent shelves capture your attention. They`re a good place for large pieces of art or planters. For instance, a long shelf has enough space for a print in the center, along with several other accessories on each side. Another way to enhance the wall is to use two or more shelves arranged above each other vertically. This kind of layout offers the storage capacity of a large bookcase, but with a much more open feel.

Bookcases and shelves come in all shapes and finishes. For something sleek and modern, think about including touches of glass and metal. Mirrored shelves take elegance to new levels and combine perfectly with bright lighting and natural illumination. Use reclaimed wood if you want the feel of rustic or industrial. And remember that no one said you have to color inside the lines. Abstract shapes lend an artistic vibe to the living room.

Modern Bookcase,White Bookself,Wooden Bookcase,Hanging Bookshelves

Shenzhen Guang Disen Furniture co.,ltd ,

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