Felix Baumgartner (Felix Baumgartner), the brand ambassador for Zenith, puts on the new El Primero Stratos, a 1/10-second chronograph that returns from an air balloon Down the cockpit in the stratosphere up to 120,000 feet / 36.5 km jumped, this height close to the general flight four times the height of the aircraft. The space mission, called "Red Bull Stratos," will try to surpass the human limit of more than 50 years and break four world records: the highest freefall, Distance, the highest flight altitude of manned balloon, and the first breakthrough in human history with sound barrier. Born in Salzburg, Austria in 1969, Felix Baumgartner began his parachute jump at the age of 16 and later refined his skills as he joined the Austrian army's performance and competition team. In 1988, he started parachuting for Red Bull. Red Bull's innovative ideas and Felix Bao Ji Turner's spirit of adventure hit it off, the two sides have been working together so far. By the 1990s, Felix Bogartner felt he was no longer able to find a breakthrough in traditional skydiving, so he turned to a targeted parachuting jump from stationary objects or terrain to continue his parachuting skills. He found that at such a low level of skydiving, the speed response and precision skills he needed also helped raise his high-latitude parachuting skills. Using carbon fiber wings to fly across the English Channel in an unprecedented free-fall flight mode, Felix Baghdatner is most familiar with the world record he has set for skydiving and won the World Sports Award and NEA Extreme Sports Awards (NEA Extreme Sports Awards) two categories of nominations. He is also a key supporter and licensed helicopter pilot of the non-profit Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation. Although he agrees that this Red Bull Stratos parachutist task is to move toward the unknown area, his determination to march toward the space margin and to break the speed of sound has not faltered. "If the Red Bull Stratos mission is completed, we can get information that we have never had before," says Felix Bautner. "I'm proud that I can make such a contribution."