Suitable for various materials SBL folding folder gluer

The British SBL Machinery Company completed its first year of work after moving to Wakefield in West Yorkshire, England. During this period, SBL added new models to the existing different packaging equipment. The first machine was the TS-1000NMWS four-corner, hexagonal folding carton gluing machine exhibited at IPEX. The machine operates at speeds of up to 400 m/min and can produce cartons and folding products of different raw materials. Since the launch in the UK market, the first machine has been delivered to the R&S packaging company in Leeds. R&S is a professional printing and finishing company that can process various types of packaging and printing materials such as cardboard, corrugated paper and plastics. The second machine will be delivered to Leeds’ Cartonage company, which serves hypermarkets and premium food packaging retail stores.

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Pet Food Packaging Bag

Pet Food Packaging Bag,Plastic Pet Food Bag,Dog Food Bag,Dog Food Packaging Bag

Lanker Pack Group Limited ,

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