Signal bar control network expansion

1.GATF digital signal strip

GATF digital signal strip is made of 27l/cm thick dot for the substrate, inlaid with 80l/cm flat net laid 0 ~ 9 number, in the original version of the signal bar in the digital density and background density the same. Specific use is as follows:
The 1GATF digital signal strip is based on the assumption that the coarse net is constant and the dot does not exist. The difference in density between the digits and the ground color is observed with the naked eye. 2 On the original version, the area of ​​1 to 7 digital dots was successively reduced by 3% to 5%, and 7 to 9 were decremented by more than 5%. The area of ​​No. 0 net was the largest, and that of No. 9 net was the smallest. 3 Since it is assumed that the coarse wire does not expand at all, the amount of dot gain is determined based on that digital and background density.
2. Astral dot control Radiating from the center of the circle are 36 wedge lines of equal black and white width, with a small white point in the center of the circle.
Stars are based on the size of the central white point to determine the size of the dot expansion. The center of the star sign has a large white dot, indicating that the dot expansion is small; the white dot at the center of the star sign is small, indicating that the dot gain is large.
As a test tool for testing dot gains, the star's role is to identify the types of dot gains.
1 The white spots in the center of the star become elliptical, indicating that the outlets have directional expansion. When the center white dot of the star sign shows an ellipse, it indicates that the dot network is expanding around, called horizontal expansion; when the dot network shows an up and down expansion dot network or vertical expansion. 2 If the center of the star appears ghosting, the middle white dot will not only become smaller, but also appear as "8" or "∞" shape, indicating that the dot ghosting and stencil will be affected.

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GanZhou OuHua Outdoor Furniture Co.,LTD ,

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