Physical chemistry professional tool software origin6.0 can be used for physical and chemical experiments. The available size is 20.00MB; Origin is the excellent data analysis and drawing software launched by Microcal in the United States. This book combines a lot of examples, introduces the function of Origin from shallow exploration, step by step. The specific content includes the basic knowledge of Origin, Origin's data management, function fitting and data analysis functions, the method of 2D drawing, 3D drawing and multi-layer drawing in Origin, the creation and customization method of Origin layout window, in Origin The input and output methods of the data, the use of Excel in Origin, and the basic programming structure and method of Lab Talk, the programming language in Origin. The content of this book is informative and operable. This book is suitable for technical personnel engaged in scientific research, engineering applications, science and engineering teachers and students in colleges and universities.
Puyang Optimus Household Products Co., Ltd ,