The collaboration between Xu Yihong (first author), Pan Shaoming (corresponding author) and Danish Technical University Qiao Jixin, Hou Xiaolin (corresponding author), etc., in the School of Geography and Marine Science, Nanjing University, recently published in the Nature Report Group journal Scientific Reports about plutonium isotopes in soil erosion The important research result of "Plutonium in soils from Northeast China and its potential application for evaluation of soil erosion".
At present, the radioactive tracer nuclide widely used in soil erosion tracing research is 137Cs (cesium), but since the half-life of 137Cs is only 30.2 a, the total amount of 137Cs in the environment has decayed by 60% so far With the passage of time, the content of 137Cs in the soil will become lower and lower, and the difficulty of testing will gradually increase, and its sensitivity as a tracer element will be seriously affected. Therefore, it is very important to find a radionuclide that can replace 137Cs as a tracer. Because the source of Pu (plutonium) isotope in the environment is the same as that of 137Cs, and the half-lives of 239Pu and 240Pu are 24110 a and 6561 a, respectively, it is easier to be absorbed by fine particulate matter in the soil. Because of its sensitivity, Pu isotope is considered as an ideal nuclide that can replace 137Cs for soil erosion tracing research.
Through cooperation with international experts and scholars in the field of radiology ecology and tracing, Pan Shaoming's team tried to use Pu isotope instead of 137Cs tracing to study the soil erosion process. Taking the coastal area of ​​Liaodong Bay in northeastern China as the research area, they reported the distribution characteristics of Pu isotopes in the soil of northeast China for the first time, and confirmed that Pu isotopes can replace 137Cs for soil erosion tracking. The results show that: 1) Pu isotope in the soil along the Liaodong Bay comes from atmospheric subsidence; 2) different land use methods and the role of human activities are the main reasons for the difference in the distribution of Pu isotope in the surface soil; 3) undisturbed The activity of Pu isotope in the soil profile shows an exponential downward trend with the soil depth, which is consistent with the distribution of 137Cs in the profile; 4) The calculated accumulation of 239 + 240Pu in the undisturbed soil profile is about 86.9Bq / m2 , The data is consistent with the research reports of other regions at the same latitude, so it can be used as the background value of the Pu isotope in the soil of the study area; 5) by comparing and analyzing the accumulation of Pu isotope in the standard section and the study section and the corresponding soil layer It can be estimated that about 6 cm of surface soil is eroded at the location of the study profile. This result is consistent with the estimation result of the 137Cs tracing technique, which initially confirms that Pu isotope can be used for erosion tracing research.
This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China project "Using Pu Isotopes to Study Soil Erosion" (41271289).
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