The bright and smooth spot colors can not only promote product sales, but also enhance the brand image. However, this comes at a price. Spot color printing is more complicated and costs higher, so the price of the product is higher and the profit is thinner. Spotless non-spot color printing technology subverts the outdated concept of spot colors for designers, printing buyers and printing houses, and makes the replacement of spot color inks with primary colors reliable and practical for the first time.
In spot-free printing, spot colors can be used to express spot colors, so the problems inherent in traditional spot color inks are swept away. Spotless printing technology was developed by Creo. The technology successfully introduced the market-leading FM screening technology that can be used in real production, Staccato, to the market. Practice has proved that its FM screening has many advantages, such as smoother tones, no rose spots, no moire, or other common visual "interference" in screening. In the printing process, due to inaccurate overprint or density transfer, gray balance and color tone will change greatly, and this screening technology can avoid this problem. This also means that the primary colors have the characteristics of spot colors: very stable, and even look like pre-mixed colors. Shifangjia's FM screening has been tested by practice. In fact, it has become the standard FM screening method. It has been adopted by more than 1,000 printers in the field of offset printing, including the United States and hundreds of single-sheet packaging printing Quotient.
Spotless4 unleashes the potential of four-color presses
Now, this technology is taking it one step further. It not only helps printers to replace spot colors with primary colors, but also makes processing more reliable and precise. In non-spot color printing technology, the "recipe" of spot color replacement is based on the actual printing conditions (printing machine, paper, ink, etc.), which maximizes its accuracy. Similarly, proofing is easier and more accurate. In spotless printing technology, remote desktop proofing is even possible, making collaboration between designers, customers, platemaking centers, and printing houses more efficient. There are two types of non-spot color printing products. The first one is Spotless4. No spot color 4 can display a large number of spot colors on the four-color machine. Many printers have begun to use the four primary colors to replace spot colors, but if there is no spot color 4 technology, the hue is smoother and the colors are more jumpy, while also avoiding "visual interference", rose spots, moire and other common additions Network defects, its stability has also been greatly improved. The performance of subtle text is also very good, and the print quality of reverse text is also very high. Color or black and white line drawings are also not jagged. The predictability of color is very high. Customers can detect the differences at a glance.
In addition, profits and output of the printing department will also increase. Because the user does not need to stop the ink to replace the ink and clean the cylinder, it can always keep printing at peak conditions. With the increase of jobs using CMYK inks, there is no need to wait in line for a spot color printing machine. Jobs can be distributed to other printing machines at will, which not only increases the utilization rate of printing machines, but also makes the work arrangement more flexible and efficient.
SpotlessX improves color gamut
The other product is SpotlessX. No spot color X can use traditional primary colors, such as red, orange, green or blue, to expand the usable color gamut. Spotless X technology is usually used in the traditional spot color field: vector images; it can also be used for raster images to improve realism, or to provide "jumper" colors in order to increase the visual impact and product attraction on the shelf force. The unique feature of Spotless X technology is that its ink settings are very flexible, and it can choose any extended color.
SpotlessX flexibility
1. Expanded colors can be added to the added printing unit, such as orange, green, red, and blue, and processed with no spot color X technology. All CMYK + XYZ color settings can be used to establish a color formula to ensure that the colors of line drawings and vector patterns of all printed products can be printed.
2. Adopt CMYK
Add 1 (or more) spot colors to match the regular operations of major customers. Some printing companies will have individual large customers requesting spot colors to be used to print their brand colors. At this time CMYK
Adding 1 spot color is the most ideal solution. With X technology without spot color, spot color ink can be used as an extension of the primary color, while printing is still a spot color.
S / H: No spot color technology and other spot color replacement products
No spot color technology can also be used in conjunction with any other six-color alternative technology, such as FMsix, PANTONE Hexachrome, etc. In fact, no spot color technology can integrate the database of the above technologies into a complete workflow, making color management, trapping, and proofing more efficient, making these solutions more convenient, practical, and reliable.
No spot colors: designers, printing buyers, printing houses benefit
Spotless printing subverts the industry's traditional way of handling spot colors, and its advantages are also felt by everyone related to it. The no-spot color technology frees designers from the limitation that only a few spot colors can be used for a printed product. This technology will also save designers, customers and printing houses from the trouble of spot color proofing. It also makes printing houses more efficient and brings more value to customers.