Digital Printing Q&A (1)

What is digital?

It is represented by a binary number, which means that 1 is used to represent the path, and 0 is used to represent the disconnection. In the transmission or storage of information, a series of 0s and 1s are sent to each other or to the disk drive. Therefore, 0 or 1 is the most basic unit of digitization and is called Bit. Now, combining a number of 0 and 1 to express a symbol is called Byte. In simple terms, digitization is the replacement of previously manual work with the use of computers (or hardware) and programs (or software) to make the job easier and faster.

What are the applications of digitization in printing?

Since the 21st century has entered the digital age, digital applications are very extensive. Digital audio and video systems such as broadcasting, television, game instruments, tape recorders, and communications have all been digitized. Others such as data services, wallets, personal digital assistants, etc. are numerous. As a result, printing has gradually become more and more digitized. Nowadays, the preparation of documents and the reproduction of data are all done in computers, but they are different in application. Basically, digitization can be applied in the following areas, including: (1) design, (2) photography, (3) color separation, (4) imposition, (5) plate making, (6) printing, (7) paper, (8 ) Stapling, (9) books, (10) bookstores, etc.

What is design digitization?

Because of the speed and power of modern computers, software companies have gradually developed many software applications for printing, industry, commerce, architecture, etc., and many basic originals are included in these softwares. This kind of graphics brings a lot of convenience to people, so it saves a lot of design time. Nowadays, using computer-designed patterns, broadband networks can be used to quickly transfer drawing files to remote output centers or printing plants, and printing plates can be printed in a short time to complete printing. This epoch-making technology product brings us unlimited possibilities. Convenience and benefits.

What is digital photography?

It is a camera that uses digital format to record images. It divides the image into small dots, called "pixels," and converts each pixel directly into binary code and stores it as an image file. Digital camera appearance, lens and general camera is not much different, the biggest difference in the photosensitive part of the image, the photosensitive mechanism is the use of charge-coupled components (or image sensor Charge-Coupled Device; CCD). Through the sensitivity of the CCD to the light intensity, it is converted into a digital signal, and then the signal reorganization is converted into an image file. Therefore, when using a digital camera, the material of the recorded image is not the film but the memory. The image sensor is the most critical component of a digital camera. The higher its pixel, the better its image quality, which can reach several million pixels.

What is color separation digital?

When copying photographs by printing methods, the photographs must be divided into four basic colors of yellow, magenta, cyan, and black. In the early method, each color image was recorded on a film by a plate making camera. Then, the image was linearly decomposed and scanned using a scanner. The machine is a computer peripheral that can capture images. In recent years, the progressive platform scanners use sophisticated image sensors to scan images directly into the lens to avoid image distortion caused by glass reflections; plus anti-reflection internal design, virtual roller scan and each scanning channel With 16,000 color levels, the light is kept under rigorous control with clear and detailed images and true color; even if the original image is extremely dark, its photometric sensing function will not increase the noise but also scan the best results. The originals are also automatically transported, scanned, and output, reducing pre-processing time and increasing production efficiency. Built-in light boxes and preset auxiliary frames facilitate the user to accurately place originals before scanning, saving the need for scanning. Time for software adjustment.

What is digital imposition?

Use imposition software such as QuarkExpress, PageMaker, InDesign to make large-format jobs. This not only saves a lot of time, but also the position is very accurate. The printed plates can be printed on the film in one go. There will not be many edges on the film to be trimmed like hand-made imposition, nor will there be any overlap between the two negatives. Shaiban failure. The benefits of imposition can also be made by a computer-to-plate (CTP) printing plate, or it can be transmitted to a remote plate-making and printing via a broadband network.

What is digital platemaking?

The computer digital information is directly output to a platemaking machine that uses a laser beam to expose the printing plate. This type of computer-to-plate (CTP) is a digital plate making method. At present, light sources can be divided into light-sensitive and heat-sensitive light sources depending on the light source; heat-sensitive CTPs can be divided into two types of plates that require processing and free handling. According to the type of imaging, it can be divided into two kinds: positive film and negative film type; and in the material of the plate, it can be divided into aluminum and polyester (polyester). In terms of the platemaking machine, its structure can be divided into three types: inner drum, outer drum, and platform. The laser used has several types of infrared, green, and purple lasers. Its speed is the fastest for a violet laser, and the scanning speed can be as high as 55,000 lines/minute, equivalent to 1,024 x 2,400 dpi for 1 minute and 46 seconds. 800 mm (28" x 40") full-version exposure.

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