Trained a sexy muscular man to achieve a dream with a barbell
1. Pick up
A. The body squats and grabs the barbell inwards with both hands palms. The two hands are equal to the shoulder width, keeping the position in front of the sacrum.
B. Shrug your shoulders and lift your barbell vertically with both hands as far as you can. When the barbell reaches the height of the chest, the knee bends slightly and the elbow also has a forward movement so that the finger can catch the bar more comfortably.
C. Keep your elbows at a high altitude and slowly knelt until the thighs are parallel to the ground, then lower the barbells.
2. Bending and stretching
A. Grab the barbell with both hands and stand with your knees slightly bent. The body starts to lean forward from the waist until it is parallel to the ground.
B. Keep the bow of the body, extend the elbow outwards, and pull the barbell to chest height.
C. Keep the position of the bar, heel and straighten the body, then put down the barbell. During this process, keep barbells and elbows from falling.
3. Knee press shoulder type
A. Raise your barbell under your chin with both hands and stand on your body. Separate your feet two feet apart.
B, both knees are bent 90 degrees, so that the upper body vertical decline. Remember that the knees of the hind legs do not touch the floor. At the same time, lift the barbell upwards with both hands until the arm is fully extended. Then stand straight and lower the barbell.
4. Push-ups
A. Add a 10-lb. barbell to the barbell and make a push-up posture. Put your hands under your shoulders.
B. Do push-ups downwards.
C, bending his knees to the floor.
D. Roll the barbell forward as far as possible, keeping the arm straight. Then pull the bar back and both legs return to the straight line and return to push-ups.
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